
Do these 5 Yoga Asanas if you have a gall bladder stone

Do these 5 Yoga Asanas if you have a gall bladder stone

Gallstone is a serious disease of the kidney or bile. Actually, gallstones are small stones, which are formed in the gall sac. It is a very painful disease. Any person having gallstones has to face many problems. Therefore, its timely treatment is very important, otherwise surgery may have to be done to remove the gallstones later. But if there is a stone in the gallbladder, if some special yoga asana is done in the beginning, then it helps in removing this stone gradually. Please join the 200-Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh for the best course in your career.


What happens in gall bladder stones:

Gallstones are more common in middle-aged people. Gallstones are very small, which occur due to the accumulation of cholesterol in the gallbladder or gall bladder. This disease occurs when cholesterol, bile and salts are formed in the gallbladder. Actually, bile and salts are the digestive elements produced in the liver, when these elements are not able to get out of the body, then they harden and take the form of stones.


Symptoms of Gallstones:

  • Vomiting
  • Heaviness in stomach
  • Sour belching
  • Indigestion problem
  • Heartburn
  • Sharp pain in right side of abdomen


Causes of gallstones:

  • Gallbladder
  • Inability to flush out salts from the liver
  • Birth control pills
  • Not being physically active


Yoga asana for Gallstones:

On the off chance that one remaining parts genuinely dynamic, gallstones can be taken out from the body generally. Rehearsing yoga asana consistently additionally helps in eliminating gallstones. You can do some unique yoga asanas to eliminate gallstones. Have some familiarity with these yoga asanas-

Do these 5 Yoga Asanas if you have a gall bladder stone
1. Shalabhasana Yoga

Shalabhasana is a very effective yoga asana to remove gallstones. If it is practised daily, then there is a lot of relief in the pain of stones. In addition, it strengthens the muscles and spinal cord. The word Shalabhasana is made up of two words Shalabh and Asana. In this, Shalabh means grasshopper and asana means posture. In this posture the person looks like a grasshopper. It is also called the Grasshopper page.

  • To do this yoga asana, first of all, lie down on the stomach on the Yoga mat.
  • Keep your right leg straight.
  • Now keep your right hands straight.
  • During this, keep your head and mouth completely straight.
  • Now take a long deep breath and try to raise the right legs.
  • After this, straighten your right hands by lifting them parallel to the legs. If you want, you can straighten the arms in the front side as well.
  • Stay in this position for 20 seconds and then return to normal while exhaling.
  • This yogasana can be repeated 3-5 times.
  • If you have problems with knees or stomach pain, then avoid doing it in that case.

Do these 5 Yoga Asanas if you have a gall bladder stone

2. Dhanurasana yoga

Dhanurasana is considered a very good yoga asana for the treatment of gallstones. This asana can be done easily. With its regular practice, the muscles of the arms, legs, abdomen and back become strong. In addition, it also strengthens the digestive power. Dhanurasana reduces stress and tension. By doing this the person feels relaxed. Dhanurasana is also beneficial for asthma patients.


  • To do this asana, first lay a Yoga mat and lie on it on your stomach.
  • Bend your right knee.
  • With your right hand, hold the paws of the feet, with the right hand hold the paw of the right foot and with the left hand hold the paw of the left foot.
  • During this, your chest and legs will remain in the air. The stomach should remain on the ground.
  • Now take a long deep breath and exhale.
  • After staying in this position for 10-30 seconds, come back to normal position.
  • You can repeat this process 4-5 times.

Do these 5 Yoga Asanas if you have a gall bladder stone

3. Bhujangasana

The act of Bhujangasana ought to be finished in the event of gallstones, so it tends to be of extraordinary advantage. For this, you ought to do this asana while starving each day. In this, the upper piece of the body is raised like a cobra’s hood, consequently it is called cobra page. Bhujangasana reinforces the muscles of the midsection, arms and back. It additionally reinforces the spine.


  • To do this asana, first of all, lie down on the stomach on the Yoga mat.
  • Place your right palms on the ground at the same level as your shoulders.
  • Keep your ankles together.
  • Now take a long deep breath and while putting the weight of your upper body on the palms, lift the part up to the waist.
  • Take out the chest.
  • During this, feel the stretch on your back.
  • Keep your elbows straight.
  • After staying in this position for 10-30 seconds, come to the normal position while exhaling.
  • You can do this easily after 3-5.

Do these 5 Yoga Asanas if you have a gall bladder stone

4. Kapalbhati

Kapalbhati (Advantages of Kapalbhati Pranayama) is viewed as awesome for stomach and liver. It can likewise be useful in eliminating gallstones. It is likewise a decent yoga asana for the lungs. Doing it day to day likewise makes the skin shine.


  • To do this asana, sit in a quiet place in Padmasana.
  • Do the act of exhaling your breath.
  • While exhaling, push the stomach inwards.
  • There is no breathing in this yoga asana, only the nose has to be pierced.

Do these 5 Yoga Asanas if you have a gall bladder stone

5. Paschimottanasana

By doing this asana, you get physical and mental advantages. It is likewise a generally excellent yoga asana for the treatment of gallstones. It fortifies the spine and back. The issue of hypertension, sleep deprivation is likewise feeling better.

  • To do this asana, first of all, straighten the legs and sit on the Yoga mat.
  • Keep the fingers of the params together on the front side.
  • While inhaling, raise your hands up and while exhaling, tilt the body forward.
  • Try to put your hands on the soles of your feet and your nose on your knees.
  • After staying in this position for 10-15 seconds, come back to normal position.
  • If you are also troubled by gallstones, then you can try the above mentioned asanas, it will give you a lot of benefits. In the beginning, do these yoga asanas only under the supervision of an expert.



  • Arora

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